Intimacy with God

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Not Stressed But Blessed

Man, could I ever be stressed! Just when I think I’m getting a handle on something, it seems like everything goes haywire! Have you ever been there? I’m sure every one of us has. It’s certainly not fun and you try to figure out what went wrong. Some things that go awry for no apparent reason are just part of life and we simply need to learn to glean from these experiences instead of letting them take us down with a bad disposition. Who wants to be around someone who’s whining and complaining all the time?!

It’s all about perspective and attitude, and most importantly, our walk and relationship with the Lord. What we really need to do in times like that is to learn from the bad experiences and move onward and upward into new heights of revelation, insight and victory, not of our own initiative, but by depending totally on the Lord Jesus to walk us through the storms. Quite frankly, a lot of these testings and trials of life oftentimes lead us into something that we might not otherwise have experienced and thus grow in maturity. Yes and Amen!

And that’s exactly what has happened to me in my fight against cancer. I’ve learned not to be disappointed that I have to go through this, but rather — to be anointed ‘for a time such as this.’ In other words, how can I turn this into a positive? Life can be very hard at times, but we can take any adverse situation in our lives to the feet of the Lord, deposit them there, and watch how wonderfully He redeems it! Just as the old song says, there IS power, wonder working power, in the precious blood of the Lamb of God. Revelation 12:11 declares: “They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” [My emphasis] So what we say, we get. Our words form our world. Are we whining or winning? 

Our former Pastor, Don Polston, who is now deceased, and his beautiful wife and teacher of the Word, Ruth Ann, had a ministry called, The Life That Wins. Oh, did we ever learn a lot from them! It truly is all about what we’re saying about ourselves, what words are coming forth from our tongues because it forms our world. We’re ‘testifying’ to defeat or victory by the very words we speak. So be careful what you say! Proverbs 18:21 declares: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 12:18 is powerful stating:  “The tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Grief or Joy?

What hardship or trial are you facing at this moment in time? What are you doing with it? Are you fighting it? Grieving it? Is it draining you of enjoying life to the fullest? The Word of God says in Nehemiah 8:10d, “Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

So what’s one to do when everything seems to fall apart? First of all declare and decree God’s Word, His Holy Scriptures, His Divine Breath, over your situation. {2 Tim. 3:16} God’s Word trumps man’s word. This is exactly what my husband and I cling to as the doctors give us grim reports on my health. Their knowledge is limited, but there is ONE who knows all things! There is a ‘word,’ my precious friends in the Lord, that is higher than anything man can conceive, say, or do. The Breath of God that’s in His Word still breathes forth magnificent power and glory! As it has always been, it shall forever be. “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” [Matt. 19:26; 17:20; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18:27] God Most High still reigns and will forever and ever. “But the Word of the Lord stands forever.” [Isa. 40:8, 1 Pet. 1:25] Stay in THAT place where there is great comfort, strength and yes, even joy!

Then sing! That’s what I do. Praise and worship Jehovah God who knows all things. Get yourself a good song book. Collect Christian songs recorded by Christian artists who are anointed. Those beloved songs from our hearts will usher us quickly to the Throne Room of God where astounding peace and joy abound. Heavenly peace can’t be found in any other place, but in the Lord God Most High. So it benefits our souls greatly when we begin to sing for joy because you and I have an advocate on high who can take us through any storms this life may throw at us.  In Job’s distress when he’d lost so much of this life’s joy — the loss of his children, his health… he declares, “Even now, behold my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high.” [Job 16:19]

If in our own afflictions, if we can keep our focus on Jesus instead of ourselves, we will reap wonderful answers to our prayers! We will have peace and joy in the midst of the storms. This is why the apostles were so amazed when the stormy Sea of Galilee was about to overtake them and Jesus rebuked the fierce winds and they were brought out of their fear and distress. [Mark 4:35-41] They thought they were going to die! And friends, let me tell you, we ought to do just what they did. Call upon the Lord! He should be our first recourse, not out second or third, or last one in desperation.

Sometimes all we need to do is pick up the Bible and read our prescription for good health of mind, body and spirit before anything else. We are indeed thankful for doctors and nurses, who give help in times of our physical needs, but as children of God, we need to turn to Papa Abba first and foremost – and, daily; sometimes I’ve had to do it hourly as I’ve gone through chemo or radiation treatments. I’ve used those times to not only minister to my own self, but to those around me with a smile and uplifting words. I try not to let a frown or a sad countenance be on my face. It’s certainly not easy, but it is necessary, at least for me because I’ve found when I do that, instead of what my flesh wants to do, my own soul is lifted up and I’m encouraged in the Lord. My bad day can become a good day in the light of His Word, His song, and His glory in my heart. Then, amazingly, the joy of the Lord begins to unfold and indeed becomes my strength. Sometimes, I’ve even laughed in the enemy’s face saying, “How dare you come near me!  Who do you think you’re messin’ with?  I’m a child of God!” My friends, let’s learn to stick close to Him who gave His life for us that we would know victory in our lives in the here and now, and in the hereafter. It’s all good news!  

In the Storms

Just as the apostles were so frightened by the fierce, strong winds on the Sea of Galilee, there may be very strong storms threatening you even in this very hour when you’re reading this.  And like them, perhaps you’re living in great fear and trepidation as to what’s going to happen in the situation. So what are you going to do? I’d suggest that while you have ‘today’ — because none of us knows what tomorrow will bring, whether today is our last day on earth or not, just take the time you have NOW and use it for God’s glory. Let your own self be lifted up in the bright skies of the heavens above you into the Lord’s reigning realm of glory and ride along with the winds of the Holy Spirit. You will not be tossed to and fro like a ball on the waves of the sea, but rather you will be ‘rocked like a baby’ in the arms of God. It’s in that place of comfort, that you’ll find your safe haven of rest and joy beyond human comprehension.

I love to sing, but I’m not a singer. I don’t think I can carry a proper note or tune necessarily, but I know the Lord loves to hear me sing anyway. King David was a worshipper and wildly so! He danced before the Lord and was despised by his own wife for such extravagant worship. So sad on her part; she missed a lot! [2 Sam. 6:16] Expressions of God’s goodness and glory ought to be the norm for the children of God. If then ‘children,’ let’s enjoy Him with child-like faith no matter what we’re going through. Praise and worship goes a long way to lifting up our hearts above and beyond the battles of life. Singing is healing and it’s all through the Word of God.  There are so many scriptures that speak to this, but I’ll give you just a few:

  • Psalm 147 in part says, “Praise the Lord!  For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant and praise is becoming…. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”  Isn’t that beautiful? Do you need deliverance or healing? A good prescription lies in the act of praise and worship. In 1 Samuel, chapter 16 is the account of how an evil spirit would come upon Saul and his servants suggested he call upon David who would come and play the harp before him and it says that “Saul would be refreshed and be well, and the evil spirit would depart from him.” It works for us too!
  • Psalm 148 in part says, “Sing to the Lord a new song… let them praise His name with dancing… Let them sing for joy on their beds, let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.” [Which represents the Word of God]
  • Psalm 84:15, “How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance.” This is what I mean by putting a smile on your face instead of a frown.  Frowns remove crowns! We must cling to our promise from Isaiah 61:3 which says, “To grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland,” — [reward/crown/a wreath] — “instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that HE may be glorified.” [My emphasis]

Carry a Testimony of Faith Over Fear

No doubt if you’re as human as I am, these trials in life can put fear on you. And that, in itself, can make you sick and depressed. Paul speaks of this in 2 Corinthians 7:5 when he says, “For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side:  conflicts without, fears within.” Then he goes on to say in the next verse, “But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” What?! By the coming of Titus?  Yes. Why? Because this man Titus, carried the countenance and power of God and it encouraged those around him. This is exactly what you and I need to do. Let’s encourage and comfort those around us who may be going through very hard struggles, just as we too have been comforted by Christ the Lord. The Bible says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind. [2 Tim. 1:7] We learn these things from deep within our souls as we embrace God’s Written Word, His Breath, His Presence in our lives as we worship, praise and adore Him. Then, He begins to fill up our lives with overflowing blessings beyond belief.

Each one of us must learn some of the hard lessons in life for our own selves. Certainly we can learn from good and loving parents, or an inspirational teacher or preacher or even a dear friend who’s been through battles but always seems to shine. Let’s choose to be on the ‘shining’ side of things. It’s not by will power at all. It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us.

Let’s begin to declare: I’m not disappointed, I’m anointed!  I’m not stressed, I’m blessed!